Šolske počitnice

Še eno šolsko leto je skoraj za nami. Kot že nekaj let ob tem času sem pripravila zahvale ali pohvale 😉 ob koncu šolskega leta. 

Vsem želim uspešen zaključek šolskega leta in vesele počitnice. 


Lepo se imejte.
rezalne šablone:
- SugarPea Design: Open Book, Notebook Journal Card
- Najlepši par: Cvetoča češnja, Adventne številke, 
- CottageCutz: Little Owl, Stitched Rectangle set
- Craftelier: Tab mini 
- Najlepši par: Mi imamo se fajn (počitnice)
- Ustvarjalni dotik: Penzija čaka


  1. So cute! Thanks for joining the die cut fun at SoSS, Jo x

  2. Super cute! Thanks for sharing at Cut it Up!

  3. Beautiful and super cute. Thanks for joining the Do-Al(l) Kreatives challenge!
    Caroline - DT

  4. Those are so cute! Thanks for sharing with us at Send a Smile 4 Kids!

  5. These are darling! (Are they teacher cards?) Wonderful addition to our gallery. Thanks so much for playing with us at the Sisterhood!

  6. These are super cute for the end of the school year!!
    Thanks for die cutting with Edna and the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!!

  7. Janja, srečne učiteljice, ki so dobile tako lepe zahvalnice.

  8. Absolutely adorable!! Thank you for playing along with us at SAS4Kids!

  9. Janja, It is always so fun to receive international entries in our Send a Smile 4 Kids galleries. It's extra fun when the linked up cards are as cute as these are. They are adorable... and I am sure those teachers loved receiving them. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us at SAS4Kids!


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